Bisola:”Not a chance, I’d rather take my chances with something I can see than some demigod.”
Karzahni:”Well chosen…wanna make a wish? you join me and I’ll help you rule this place by my side, the toa of Karzahni…how does that sound?”
Karzahni:”Shall we make a deal?”
Bisola:”Fine, you got a deal.”
Prodigal:”So be it, you leave me no choice.
Karzahni:"Listen up The Prodigal is looking for you, if I were you I'd find a way to get outside, then I may be able to find you!"
Bisola:“What in the? that eight armed snake sent me somewhere else.”
Prodigal:”It does not have to end this way, drop your weapons and we can settle this without violence.”
Bisola:”You expect me to believe that?”
Prodigal:”Whatever the Pretender promised you he won’t follow through with it.”
Biosla:”No more than I was a pawn to you! friends don’t try to lead friends to their deaths!”
Prodigal:”You will not die! only in the physical body but not the mind, If I so desired it you would be dead already”!
Bisola:’Then how come you don’t do it huh?! if your a all powerful god then why don’t you snap one of those fingers you got and make me drop dead!”
Prodigal:”…and now.”
(The Prodigal casts a concussion spell on Bisola knocking her out)
Prodigal:”I am truly sorry you have left me no choice.”
Prodigal:”Perhaps I will construct a monument in your memory after this. or maybe-
Karzahni:”Sorry to butt in uninvited but she’s mine!”
Prodigal:”Betrayer she does not belong to you!”
Karzahni:”I wish for a fight then the winner claims the prize.”
Prodigal:”Very well, wish granted, but I will make you wish you hadn’t.”