![Bionicle crossroads chapter 29: [Into the breach]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1631568519629-2I70WK22XMX614E4C3MF/IMG_0727.jpg)
Bionicle crossroads chapter 29: [Into the breach]
(A bohrok drone is seen carrying a eerie looking mask on its way to storage)

(Meanwhile, a patrol returns from the western city sector)

(Many shipments of gold, gems and weapons are shifted around day-by-day, and as it seems nothing interesting has happened today…)

(“Until now…”)

(“A loud racket can be heard from around the gateway.”)

(“A ‘Rahkshi kaita za’ enters through the doorway, it looks disgruntled.”)

(“Moments later, a ‘kaita vo’ clumsily enter behind it.”)

(“Ok so far so good, this stupid plan looks like it might…”)

(“Oh yeah there we go now they’re attacking.”)

(“Aaanndd they’ve got us surrounded, ok-”)

(“This plan sucks, maybe I should give my idea to-”
(“Actually you know what?”)
(“Those two are still bickering about the plan so…”)
(“…Screw it, lets do this.”)
Makuta2:”For the last time NO, I will not sacrifce my dignity to sustain the lack of yours!”
Sylus:”C’mon you haven’t even heard the plan! you just spent the whole time I was explaining teaching Dameta sign language!”
Makuta2:”I would rather throw myself into the shadow realm again then let you climb on top of me!”
Sylus:”You look strong enough you can easily-”
Makuta2:”Touch me and I will break you.”
Sylus:”Fine, I’ll ask Dameta if he wants to…”

Sylus:”Dameta? buddy? did he…did he just?”
Makuta2:”Yes, yes he did.”
Sylus:”Oh son of a-”

(A Rahkshi Kaita Vo makes its patrol around the perimeter, so far no one has been able to breach the city gates, except for that mask guardian so long ago, but since then-)

(The Kaita stops, the ‘rider’ signaling to the ‘mount’ to face towards the entrance gate)

(faintly, a flicker of red blinks in the distance, intrigued, the kaita hobbles towards the light which is now much brighter)

(It is too late when it realizes that the bolt of crimson light is actually a massive toa of iron bearing down on it)

(The unfortunate quadruped barely had time to react before the vermilion colored toa crashed into the thing with a vicious uppercut)

(The fused creature flew a good distance before crashing into a shipment crate of gold and gems, every vahki, bohrok and other Kaita turned to face the glowing colossus standing in the center of the area)

(“Alright, show me what this world’s made of.” Dameta grimaced as he saw more forces arriving from the shadows, this was going to get ugly)

(In the heat of the fray a kanoka disk suddenly whizzes through the air chopping through the head of a Vahki Bordahk and knocking the krana kal out of a Bohrok, afterwards the rouge disk would embed itself into a wall on the far end of the field)

(As the ‘toa’ landed he felt a shift like the ground beneath him had reached out and held him in place)

(A nuhvok kal stepped from behind cover with its shield raised, the gravity field it produced prevented Sylus from moving)


( a large group of vahki and rahkshi surround Makuta preventing any escape)

(Unmoved by this Makuta calmly raises his hand and waves it in a swiping fashion)

(At first nothing happens, then out of nowhere the Rahkshi kaita Za swings it’s arm into the vahki next to it)

(One by one the rahkshi and vahki turn on one another completely forgetting about Makuta)

(Dameta and Sylus stare in disbelief at what they had just witnessed, Makuta gives a sinister laugh as he watches the conflict he created)
Sylus:”Wait so, when could he do that?
(“I don’t know, and honestly, I really don’t want to.” Dameta mused)

(As the two toa prepare to enter the city Dameta spots a mask in the wreckage that he is familiar with)
(“What is this doing here? why is this here?”)
Sylus:”Oh boy, finally gonna use this thing…”

Sylus:”Now lets see…and there! a full map of the city, it’s like they built this place outdoors but it somehow got teleported in here? but…never-mind I’ll leave the geeky stuff to Ekimu.”

Sylus:”C’mon this way, I know where to go!
Makuta2:”Are you sure about that?”
(“Can you check your map mask again? cause this doesn’t look like the right way.”)
Sylus:”You wanna wear the pathfinding mask? go ahead, in the meantime follow me!”

<To be continued
item highlight; Amberstone Maul
“A weapon created from the remains of Dameta’s old weapon and a few parts from A Rahkshi Kaita Vo, this maul owes it’s strength to it’s compact design and it’s unusual trait of being able to absorb and copy elemental energy and mask powers, the head of the weapon is built from a material that is strong enough to hold vast amounts of energy from Dameta’s Kanohi Kolloh without exploding, when the maul makes direct contact with with a entity with a great or noble mask, elemental powers or both the maul absorbs a fraction of the energy from the target and channels it through the wielder but with certain limitations.(i.e. if a toa of (x) were to be struck, the wielder would be able to either, A;use that toa’s mask ability for a brief period and only once. or B;command a weaker version of that toa’s elemental ability, again for a short time.) The maul however, cannot copy abilities that the wielder already has, and cannot be imbued with energy directly from the user themselves (one Exception being Dameta’s mask), psychic and non-physical powers are unable to be copied, only one element at can be copied at a time, and in general, it is very heavy.”
“They’re to many hammer users in this game can we get more swords or something?”-Karzahni, complaining about the over-abundance of hammer users in Ultra Crush Sisters Ultimate

Bionicle Crossroads chapter 30 {Unworthy}
Sylus:”This way, we can take this route to the center of the city.”

Makuta2:”This is good progress and all but I believe that we should rest here unless…wait.”
Makuta2:”It’s…He was here, Karzahni was here.”
Sylus:”Really? I don’t see anything.”
(Dameta studies the area around the turbine the air smelled faintly of sulfur and burnt fuel ”It’s like something had exploded here…or someone.” Dameta thought)

???:”Halt trespasser! you shall not go any further!”

???:”You tread on sacred grounds not meant for you.”
(A looming figure obscured by shadows stares down at the travelers)
Sylus:”Oh yeah? and who are you huh?”

Umbra:”I am Umbra Guardian of the Mask of life,and you do not belong here...”

Umbra:”…Unless of course you, you challenge me for the right to pass, prove yourself worthy and you may claim the mask…”

Umbra:”Otherwise, the penalty for this sacrilege…is death.”

Sylus:”Fine, I’ll fight you and show you whose worthy, come on!”
(Umbra leaps from the ledge and lands in front of the trio)
Umbra:”then you shall be judged for your sins and your worth.”

Umbra:”Come at me!”


Umbra:”Unworthy traitor to the throne.”

Umbra:”You…are worthy, yet you come to test your mettle again? interesting.”

Umbra:”And you…”

Umbra:”Karzahni told me about you, a matoran pretending to be a toa, what you’ve done to get this far…you disgust me.”

Umbra:”And so I will grant you a swift death!”

Sylus:”I did what I had to do! you can’t judge someone on just what you’ve been tol-”
Umbra:”Silence! I will not listen to these treasonous lies! you did this! you-”

(“You need to step off buddy.”)

(Umbra is cut off from his speech by Dameta’s maul slamming him through a wall.)

(“I thought I dealt with him earlier…”)
Sylus:”Hey buddy could you help me real quick?”

Sylus I need you to try something, and it might not be safe.”

Makuta2:”No! I told you that it’s not ready yet! If you use that thing there’s no telling what will happen!”

Sylus:”Yeah, I don’t like it either, but he’ll just keep coming back if we don’t deal with him now.”

Sylus:”And I don’t have enough energy to use it, so Dameta buddy…
(A back panel flips open on Sylus’ back, two lightstones glow dimly on his back)
…care to use that fancy mask power of yours?”

Sylus:”If you can charge me up with as much as you can then we’ll have a chance against Umbra.”
(“I’m a toa not a car battery.”)

Sylus:”And if I explode after this,then you can make fun of me for the rest of the journey.”
(“Actually, you know what? I think I might enjoy this.”)

(In sign language) *I like your cut G*

Sylus:”Wait what did you say? Can some one tell me what he sai-”

(A wave of energy runs through Sylus, the crystals on his back start to glow brightly, his entire body starts to shake violently as He slowly puts on the Kanohi Onai, mask of ferocity.”

>To be conti-


~You seek {power}?~

Umbra:”Get Back! what is wrong with- wait…no.”

~The {power} that {dominates} all.~
Umbra:”That mask…that power, it feels so…wrong, what are you?”

~The power of {god}? I can give it to you...~

~All you have to do is bring me the {key}~
Umbra:”What ever dark power you’ve gotten possession of I cannot let you-”

~And you will be granted the {power} you always {desired}.~

(Umbra is thrown against the wall, his mask cracking and falling off, the wheels on his feet have melted together, he is utterly helpless)

~I can sense no, feel these traits in you...~
Umbra:”Y-Your not- No! stay back! get away from me!”
(‘Sylus’ ignores the pleas and slowly mills towards the wounded Umbra, black smoke fuming from the mask)



~Give in to these {desires} and I will make you grant you the {Salvation} you so dearly wish for.~

~If not...then.~

~to put it simply...~

~you will find only Eternal {Damnation} awaits you.~

(‘Sylus’ grabs the broken Umbra by his mangled leg…)

(And chucks him towards the open hole in the wall, the guardian manages to land on his feet but his damaged rollers prevent him from moving forward)

~K I L L H I M~
(Umbra manages to come to a stop over the edge, he struggles to breath as he peers into the abyss over the cliff, he has no time to react as a laser shoots out from the darkness piercing right through Umbra’s chest causing the warrior to fall over the side, silently vanishing into the darkness below, his light snuffed out forever)

~Who's {worthy} now?~

Makuta2:”And that is how you make a greeting in sign language.”
(“Thank you, I feel well informed even though you lost me half way through that.”)

(“So…How did it go?”)
(Sylus doesn’t answer, instead he just glares at the ground, his breathing loud and heavy, his fists have strange yellow and green fragments embedded in them)

(Suddenly, the mask falls off his face, steam emanating off from its interior, Sylus’ breathing becomes more even and his tense posture relaxes)

Sylus:”Guys…I need to get this off my chest, I need to tell you something important…

Sylus:”It’s time I told you the truth about who I am.”
<to be continued
character bio; Dameta toa of iron, seeking; [passage home]
“A toa of Iron from another world with a complex past, at some point in his life he had his body converted into a cybernetic one, his life has been spent mostly being his village’s blacksmith and occasionally protector. All that was turned on it’s head when a deranged lunatic, wearing a grotesque oxidized mask, chained limbs and a flaming protosteel chain stormed the village and leveled a third of it before having his arm ripped off by Dameta himself and being tossed into the portal from whence he came. the village elder warned Dameta not to enter the portal as unspeakable evil’s and madness came from it, only for him to charge through anyways and was subsequently subjugated to mental tormet from the demented being who introduced himself as Karzhani. thus Dameta was forced by the mad lord to hunt down and kill two travelers who had entered the premise.”
“During his adventure Dameta encountered, Umbra the guardian of the mask of life, Furno the Undying hero and granted him his final death, Artakha and Makuta who had formed a truce and finally coming face to face with Sylus, a strange toa who was the target he was sent to kill.“
“In the end, He and Dameta teamed up to storm the Silent city, kill Karzhani and saved the universe from unending tyranny, he has since then returned home.”
(“Steel yourselves, this is going to get messy.”)-Dameta
Bionicle Crossroads chapter 31 [Betrayal]
Ekimu:”It…it doesn’t make sense, why?”
Ekimu:”Why would he do this? all the suffering…all the death…because of him?”
Ekimu:”I just need to find…”
Artakha:”Ekimu! my apprentice, immaculate timing as usual, please could you come help me for a second?”
Ekimu:”Oh master, I need to tell you somethi-”
Artakha:”I seemed to have found your friends down here, they look like they’ve taken quite a fall…”
Artakha:”Perhaps…you could help me with getting them back in shape? use your mask like we practiced.”
Ekimu:”My mask…but there’s no material anywhere.”
Artakha:”Just use a portion of your armor instead, I’ve noticed you’ve used several pieces already.”
(Ekimu focuses on the palm of his hand, he begins to channel the power of his mask of creation, imagining a shape of a mask and…)
(…Forms a black and silver uniter kanohi in his hand, it feels clean and new the slivered segment gleaming in the sun above, as Ekimu takes a step forward his left leg feels a little lighter, he looks down to see that his knee-guard has disappeared, a small price to pay for creation)
(Undeterred by this loss the young mask maker kneels down and fits the pristine mask over the comatose Onua)
Onua2:”Makuta! imposters! t-that voice in the box…”
Onua2:”No…no wait i’m…i’m still here…i’m still here.”
Ekimu:”Onua? are you okay?”
Onua2:”Ekimu? thank the great spirit your here, the Deceiver, he found a way to contact the Demon Clock! he’s coming…”
Ekimu:”Deceiver? Demon Clock? Onua what are you talking about?”
Artakha:”Let him be, he’s just shaken from the process He will forget about it shortly.”
Pohatu2:”What did I miss?”
Artakha:”Not much my friend, your in good hands.”
Pohatu2:”Onua! good to see you brother, now what did you want to tell us before we found that box?”
Onua:”Well I was going to tell you about…about…uh…I-I don’t remember, what was I going to say?”
Pohatu2:”It is alright brother as long as you are still with us everything is well.
Onua2:”Couldn’t have said it better brother!”
Ekimu:(“I’ve never seen toa Sylus do that.” Ekimu wondered to himself)
Onua and Pohatu:”(Laughter)
Pohatu2:”So venerable lord Artakha, how may we repay your kindness? now that you have saved us we could assist you in rescuing Tahu and the others to-”
Artakha:”Leave, do not return here, we will hand this ourselves.”
(As if by command, the two toa turned around and left the chamber)
Ekimu:”Master…are you sure that it was wise to send them away? they could have helped us in the upcoming battle.”
Artakha:”Ekimu, the only reason I sent them away was for they’re own good, too many lives have been lost and I will not bury anymore friends…”
Artakha:”…Which is why I hope you can forgive me for this.”
Ekimu:”Forgive you? for what? what are you talking abo
(Ekimu, without warning disappears into thin air the Architect stares at the place were he was standing only a few seconds ago and lets loose a heavy sigh)
Karzahni:”Well well welly well well, look who’s still breathing.”
Karzahni:”Brother? really? is saying my name not good enough for you anymore?”
Karzahni:”I see you are still in one piece as well, disappointing, but that’s what you get when you rely on a moronic alien freakshow and a treacherous water witch.”
Karzahni:”It would seem as always that doing things yourself is the only way that things get done around here isn’t it?”
Karzahni:”C’mon look at yourself, your barely holding it together.”
Karzahni:”They’re are a infinitude of ways that I could end your miserable existence right here, right now.”
Karzahni:”But that wouldn’t be any fun for either of us sooo…”
Karzahni:”…Hows about we should play another little game shall we?”
Karzahni:”As for YOU…yes you the one looking through that sheet of glass you call a screen watching us.”
Karzahni:”You think just because that ‘I’m a amalgamation of 3d printed plastic and stock Bionicle parts (and ccbs) mis-mashed into a confusing mis-colored mess’ means that your versions of me are better?”
Karzahni:”You think I’m the monster here? that’s rich, now let your ol’ pal Karzahni tell you a little something; at least I look far better than most of the other versions i’ve seen, no giant feet or masks that look like they were fused with clay, and absolutely without a doubt better than what my underwater set looked like, sheesh...”
Karzahni:”Well rant aside, do you remember dearest brother, why you won the Mask of Creation to begin with?”
Artakha:”You resorted to trickery and lies to fight but it wasn’t enough.”
Karzahni:”Trickery and lies that you, my other half have used in the recent past, now true true I was not the strongest by any means and I admit that you won the Mask by fair and square, I will respect that…”
Karzahni:”But this…this ‘key’ is my and by extension, the world’s ticket to salvation!”
Karzahni:”that’s right, I did it, with this tiny key my master will finally be free!”
Karzahni:”So honestly you can have your mask back, I don’t need it anymore…”
Karzahni:”My lord will rise from his prison and grant me a place at his side, don’t worry I’ll ask him if I can keep your little apprentice buddy whatever his name was, as a pet of course.”
Karzahni:”Hold this, I’ve got about like…a bajillion more insults that I wrote a list of.”
Artakha:”Give me the key.”
Karzahni:”What? pffftt your in no position to be making demands, what makes you think that I’ll- Hey! what are you doing?! get back here!”
(As soon as Artakha spoke those words, Tahu stepped forward handing the key to Artakha)
Artakha:”Thank you, your services are no longer required.”
(In a blink of an eye the toa of fire disappeared without a sound only his blades and the skull spider remained)
Artakha:”5 steps ahead of you, try to keep up…Brother.”
Karzahni:”very clever, very clever indeed, but you can’t hide from me forever, no one can hide from a god.”
<to be continued…
character bio; Umarak the Destroyer
“The former hunter and scion of Makuta has once again been (unwillingly) transformed into the horrific monstrosity that has been given the title The Destroyer, this nigh unstoppable abomination was reborn after Karzahni forced the mask of control on the severely wounded hunter hoping to gain another pawn in his game, instead the beast grew out of control and stormed the jungle sector in search of the one who wounded his pride.”
“This monster was responsible for dismembering Furno and a number of various Rahkshi that got in it’s way before making its way into the stronghold where it was responsible for a number of deaths including Toa Tuyet and her mutant Rahkshi, He would later be restrained by Avak leaving him incapacitated for a time until Makuta summoned him again, he was finally defeated by Dameta when the former used the mask of Nullification to turn him into dust and bones.”
“This may sound strange but, I hope he’s found peace now that he’s gone...”-Ekimu
![Bionicle Crossroads chapter 32 :"[Bone and Ash]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1632955730465-0RBQY31MAKQAIKD5CASW/_MG_0157.jpg)
Bionicle Crossroads chapter 32 :"[Bone and Ash]
(Hours later…)
Karzahni:”I don’t get it, my brother shows up face to face with me for the first time in centuries then he just, steals my key and disappears?”

Karzahni:”Teleportation makes sense but he never had any mind control powers I would know I did sense something off about him, I’m starting to wonder if…”

Karzahni:”Nah, he’s probably just learned a few new tricks is all, not that it will save him from me that is.”
(Without a second thought, Karzahni leaps from the top of the building and flings his chain at a pillar swinging from the rooftops like some great spider rahi before coming to a stop at the side of a building overlooking a clearing)

(The Silent City possessed several openings which light could pass through, these spots were the only place where the suffocating dark that shrouded the city did not touch as those who lingered in the miasma for long periods were never seen again,a being like Karzahni has nothing to fear from the dark…)

(…The three figures far below however…)

Sylus:”Of course we aren’t now you gonna move or are you gonna be a problem?”

Thrall:”You…you…are not…not welcome…”

Thrall:”You…you…must be…dispelled…”
Sylus:”Great now we’re surrounded, how many times has this happened today?
Makuta2:”About I’d say…twenty seven times.”
Sylus:”Yeah no thanks to you.”

(Dameta pulls out the mask he found earlier, the unsettling bone like feel down to the spiky bars over the eyes made him hesitate, this mask had belonged to a psychotic Toa of Ice and a Makuta before that, just holding it in his hand felt painful, the last time he used it he nearly went insane from the voices and when he activated it’s secondary power…the details were to horrific to describe, nevertheless he donned the Mask of Nullification)

(Suddenly a wave of energy washed over the field as one by one the vahki dropped, their batteries depleted in a instant only leaving the Kagahrak and the Kraahu remaining)

Sylus:”I’ve seen alot of creepy things but that mask is pretty high up there.”

(“I hate using that thing.”)
Sylus:”Yo Makooti what are you doing? we could use some help here.”
Makuta2:”I’m trying to summon my shadow.”

Sylus:”Yeah duh just look down, but no really, what the hell are you doing?”
Makuta2:”I just told you, trying to summon my shadow, he is my servant, Umarak.”
Sylus:”Umara- wait you mean that guy with the goofy horns and massive ego?”
Makuta2:”Like you? I thought you two would get along you are both so much alike you know that?”
Sylus:”Uh yeah…about that he might be...”

Makuta2:”I’ve established a link he is on his way right now,”
Sylus:”Hold on what? but I kicked his ass all the way back at the wall are you sure he’s…”

Thrall:”My lord…shall be…most…most…pleased when…you...are-

(The thrall’s words and life were cut short as a colassal black and sicly green giant appeared where the unfortunate being once stood.)

Sylus:”…huh, he would happen to be working out lately?”
(“What in the-”)
Makuta2:”No, and I thought I took that mask from him, how did he-”

Umarak:”(Angry roar!)

Sylus:”So THAT’S Umarak?! you sure this isn’t some other monster called Umarak?”
Makuta2:”No that is-was him but now…last time he was like this he was…smaller.”
Sylus:”What do you mean last time?!”
Makuta2:”When I forced him to wear the mask of control, a masterstroke of a plan on my part.”
Sylus:”so how was he defeated the first time then?”
Makuta2:”I betrayed him and turned him into energy to fuel my power back then.”
Sylus:”…Can you do it again here?”

Sylus:”Ok then who’s that?
Makuta2:”Well that’s-actually who is that?”

(“Yeah have I seen that guy before?”)
Umarak:”(Confused roar?)”

Sylus:”Uh hey dude, you lost?”
Makuta2:”Who might you be?”
(“What’s a Skakdi doing here?”)

Karzahni:”Wait did I hire that guy or something? I don’t remember who was he again?”

Avak:”What? what do you mean you don’t remember me? you wrecked my lab, destroyed countless expensive projects, and is the reason my boss is going to kill me, and you don’t know who I am?”

Makuta2:”No, I do not recall
Sylus:”Doesn’t ring a bell.”
(“Um, av…ava…avak…avacado?”)
Karzahni:(in the distance)”Uhhhhh, sorry no…”
Umarak:”(negatory roar…) *shakes head*”
The gate guardian that just happens to be here:”…No…”

Avak:”Well you know what? fine I quit! why do I even bother…”

Sylus:”What a weirdo, anyways can we just fight now? we have places to be.”
(“Wait how do I know what a avakado is?”)
Umarak:”*nods head*”

(The abomination bounded forward with alarming speed, it’s back glistened with a unknown greenish fluid that poured from it’s spines)

Makuta2:”The mask! get the mask off his face! and don’t let any of that fluid touch you, it’s highly corrosive…”

(“Got it.” Dameta affirmed as he carefully stalked around the colossal beast trying to stay out of it’s line of sight)

Makuta2:”Use your mask power, toa!”
Sylus:”I can’t, that mask you gave me burned out my power reserves-”
(For a brief moment the Destroyer locked eyes with Sylus, those amber orange eyes filled with pure hatred for the being before him, while much of the original Umarak’s mind was nearly gone it clearly remembered Sylus and what he did to him before)

Makuta2:”Stop! I command you to stop Umarak!”

(Makuta had no time to react before he was pinned to the wall by a grimy clawed hand)

Makuta2:”Do…your…worst…you will always be an underling to me.”

(Angered, Umarak plunges a clawed hand into Makuta’s armored abdomen, the claws shredded the plating causing essence to leak from the gash, Makuta could only grit his teeth as the slick black razor like fingers tore his armor like it was paper)

(Seeing a opening Sylus swung his sword as hard as he could, bringing it down on the crystal behemoth’s tail severing it from the body, bright green liquid gushed from the wound as the Destroyer howled in pain)

(dropping Makuta, Umarak snapped towards Sylus, enraged that this cocky upstart had taken something from him yet again)

Sylus:”For a mindless musclebound freak you sure smell better over there.”

(Sylus could only struggle as the beast’s clawed hand inched closer and closer to his face)

(The razor tips firmly clasped onto the front of Sylus’ mask and begun to slowly tear the Kanohi from his face, Umarak wanted to enjoy every second of this)

(“This was the end was it? I’ll die here before i can-” Sylus’ thoughts are interrupted by the hand suddenly withdrawing from his face, the Abomination stood upright staring straight ahead, the beast was foaming from the mouth and it’s eyes unfocused)

(Behind Umarak, Dameta had his hand on his back fingers buried deep in the creature’s spine, He was wearring that ghastly mask again and from the expression in his eyes he was about to do something he didn’t want to do)

(In the next moment Umarak started convulsing and shivering, bit by bit his armor started to crumble, the neon green on his body started to dim)

(Eventually, the muscle and flesh started to erode and decay leaving only bone underneath exposed)

(The Destroyer let out one final howl before the light in his eyes finally faded, his jaw slack and hanging as the rest of his flesh decomposed)

(Where once stood as a unstoppable behemoth was now a shell of it’s former glory)

(With a soft tap from Dameta, the Skeleton collapsed and shattered on impact)

(The only thing that remained of Umarak was the golden mask of control laying on the floor, lifeless and cold)

Sylus:”Dude, what was that?”
(“I don’t know…”)

(“I heard a voice but not the ones from the mask, it told me about salvation and power but…”)

(“What are you looking at?”)

(The gate guardian responded by turning around and fleeing deeper into the city until it’s colossal footsteps could no longer be heard)

(Sylus and Dameta tend to Makuta’s wound)

Sylus:”Hey man, sorry that I couldn’t help sooner.”

Makuta2:”No…no I brought Umarak here without knowing what happened to him, It’s my fault…”

Makuta2:”Listen, I hurt many people in the name of salvation and self intrest, ever since Karzahni brought me here I always just followed his orders knowing he could easily destroy me, but then I met toa Helryx she showed me a different perspective and that If I helped you in your quest, I would be free.”

Makuta2:”But you know what? after this is all over, I’m going back to being a mask maker like my brother Ekimu, after everything I’ve done, me…do you think he will forgive me?”
Sylus:”The situation with Helryx will have to be put on hold, as for forgiveness…well -”

Karzahni:”I think….not!”

Karzahni:”But me? I am a forgiving ruler, if you reconsider your treachery…well lets just say a few vacant positions just opened up….”
<to be continued…
![character bio;God-Emperor Karzahni part 2 seeking;[Validation]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1632955709264-NC98A3V0KUL5QVKNSUWB/_MG_0228.jpg)
character bio;God-Emperor Karzahni part 2 seeking;[Validation]
“The self proclaimed God of this universe created this life like duplicate as part of his master plan, this Karzahni is a vain and extremely egotistical being, although this is only because it was programmed that way. Capable of great acrobatic feats, incredible strength and shapeshifting, while it was a fake it was very much capable of granting wishes, the design resembles his pre-godhood form and since no one had even seen Karzahni’s true form many assumed this fake was the real lord of madness, secretly this clone knows it isn’t real and hides this under layers of denial, cruelty and dark humor hoping to match his maker in brutality in order to be seen as an equal if not more…”
“This Karzahni clone would be responsible for bringing in countless beings from other dimensions and granting them their wishes then turning them against them fueling the true Karzahni as he researched on how to steal the Prodigal’s power without it knowing of his intentions, as a failsafe clone was programmed to be incapable of discovering it’s true purpose to prevent deviation while the real dark lord worked under the guise of Artakha.”
“This pseudo lord would be destroyed when it tried to open the Pandorica, disintegrated when it touched the box itself and awoke the Prodigal of Salvation,just as planned.”
“I guess he was never alive to begin with.”-The True Karzahni
item highlight; jet claws
“The jet claws are as described, large metal claws with thrust engines mounted on top. One would assume that these gauntlets obviously possess advanced tech inside that make them work, however that couldn’t be further from the truth, in reality these ‘rocket fists’ are just metal gloves, the jets are completely hollow on the inside, and yet they have been seen flaring with energy rockets on full blast, how? only Toa Dameta has been seen using them, from shredding through armor to punching holes in walls and delivering powerful bone shattering punches, the secret to the claws function remains elusive to everyone else.
(“Magic? well then I cast fist.”)-Dameta
![Bionicle crossroads chapter 29: [Into the breach]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1631568519629-2I70WK22XMX614E4C3MF/IMG_0727.jpg)

![Bionicle Crossroads chapter 32 :"[Bone and Ash]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1632955730465-0RBQY31MAKQAIKD5CASW/_MG_0157.jpg)

![character bio;God-Emperor Karzahni part 2 seeking;[Validation]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1632955709264-NC98A3V0KUL5QVKNSUWB/_MG_0228.jpg)