<To be continued
item highlight:"Kanohi Reikii Mask of Renewal
“The Mask of Renewal is as the name says, a healing tool, but unlike the mask of healing which only heals physical injuries and required a understanding of the type of wound inflicted on individuals. The Kanohi Reikii can heal almost any ailment from psychic damage to mutations and viruses regardless of the wearer’s understanding of the damage, where the normal mask of healing is unable to cure without. Most notably, this mask allows the user to heal themselves at moderate rates depending on injury sustained, and others affected will heal at much higher rates. However, lethal wounds or poisons cannot be mended without high levels of concentration, a dangerous method as doing so may render the wearer comatose or result in death as the amount of energy required also draws from the wearer’s life force when the masks energy reserves are depleted.
Masks like these were given to a select few Toa, this particular mask ended up in the possession of a toa of plant-life who wore a peculiar golden kopesh amulet. This Toa was killed by a Machine designed to kill toa while defending villagers in a far off land. While that toa may be dead their legacy lives on in those who possess this mask.”
“When he gave me that amulet, He told me it brought him good luck and that he always carried it with him wherever he went, am I lucky to be still alive after all i’ve been through? Yeah, yeah I am.”-Kopresk, Toa of Plantlife
Bionicle Crossroads S2 Chapter 1, [Epilouge]
(Earlier, one hour earlier)
Sylus:”Well at least that whatever it was put me close to the stronghold, I just gotta find a…”
(The sound of a motorcycle is heard in the distance)
(Soon a motorbike and a familiar brown spiked figure come into view)
Sylus:”That’s…my bike! and…that guy again…”
Avak:”(Plays Piraka Rap on the radio)
Sylus:”Excuse me that ain’t yours!”
Avak:”What the!?”
(Avak is launched from the bike as Sylus’ inertiaified body crashes into the front, causing the bike to flip)
Sylus:”Alright pal you’ve…hold on who are you again?”
Avak:”You just don’t quit don’t you?”
(Sylus hits a invisible wall made of thin air and is pushed back by a unseen force)
Avak:”Normally, a fence of sticks would be enough to keep you in, but you…YOU.”
Avak:”You’ve pushed all my buttons, your not going to be leaving this spot here, period. unless…”
Avak:”You say my name…
Sylus:”Your name? That’s it?”
Avak:”Come on, whats. my. name? SAY IT!”
Sylus:”Pffft piece of cake! it’s…it’s uhhh…”
Sylus:”uhhh, gimme a second…”
Sylus:”C’mon dude I said gimme a second!”
Sylus:”Um something with a A, four letters, two syllables, ends with a…C! no uh Y?”
Sylus:”Uuuuhhhhhh, Ava…Avam..Amvokahn? no no that’s to long…”
Avak:”Wrong again last chance.”
Sylus:”Uhhh….wait wait wait!….Avak?”
Sylus:”…And so we rode together to the fortress of Artakha or Karzahni as he so clearly showed that’s who he really was…”
Sylus:”…Which is how I got into this mess.”
(Flashback end)
Sylus:”Ok we get it! Your the real Karzahni and that one back in the city is a fake which I constructed to help with your plan, too put it plainly I messed up, But that doesn’t mean I don’t get a choice to fix it don’t I?!”
Sylus:” Hard decision…Well you got me there, you know…I’m indecisive I can’t seem to pick one or the other, but you know what will help me decide? a riddle for Ekimu, whats red, black and blue all over, and is silent but deadly?”
( Dameta emerges from behind and plunging his hand into the demon amalgam’s back he begins drain the it’s power)

(KARZAHNI reaches back with surprising flexibility and smacks Dameta off of him, throwing him to the other side of the tower)
(From the shadows Avak emerges carrying a black hole staff)
Avak:”Hey, you know who I am?”
Avak:”Yo yo piraka FOREVER!”
(Avak Jammed the black hole staff into the Deadtaker’s abdomen, where it started to absorbing everything around it, including Avak himself into it)

"A seal has been broken..."
(Karzahni’s being and mind cease to exist…)
(Sylus awakens on a empty field…it is raining…cold and wet)
(Body parts of my abomination are scattered around, He has no clue how He got here, he must proceed)
(All the decades my hard work left in ruin by this pretender, from a petty matoran on my island, to a toa standing in this solitary field)
(Such a shame…)
(He continues through my graveyard as my world falls apart around him, he has no idea what he has done, nor does he care)
(Eventually, he stops at my body, finally at rest but dying, everything had led up to this moment as planned and now…)
Karzahni:”It’s time we finish this chronicle, do it, kill me and end your quest.”
Karzahni:”What? no witty retort? no jokes? have I finally broken you, O creation mine?”
Karzahni:”Ha! when I took you in on my island so long ago I saw something in your eyes, a destiny if you will and a drive to greater heights unimaginable, so I tried to snuff that out, make you into a broken husk no one could love, but here we are again, I tried to take your destiny and now you are here to take whats left of my empire… so what say you?”
Karzahni:”Care to make one last wish?”
Karzahni:”(Sylus turns away from me and walks over to a pile of scrap)
Karzahni:”(From the remains he tears a golden blade from the wreck, ready to close the curtain on this chapter, I was not scared not in the least, why should I be? I foresaw this.”)
Sylus:”I wish I had the power to make my own destiny.”
Karzahni:”(”Try as I might this conclusion was…inevitable as was I, as was this moment, and all I could say in my dying breath was…
Ekimu:”He’s really dead?”
Sylus:”Yep, stabbed in the heart and everything, very dead.”
Ekimu:”I… don’t know what to say I can’t believe…thank you, and I’m so sorry that I didn’t believe you.”
Sylus:”Even though I made that wish that caused all this?”
Ekimu:”Yes, I’m still a little conflicted about all that, but you saved us and possibly the who universe from something worse I’m sure.”
Ekimu:”Fist bump?”
Sylus:”Ha alright gimme five!”
Sylus:”No! no! watch the mask ha ha!”
Ekimu:”Got you! Did…I do it right? I ‘pranked’ you?”
Sylus:”Of course man you got me good I never saw it coming.”
Ekimu:”Come visit Okoto anytime you want, your always welcome.”
Sylus:”Alright big man, no hard feelings right?”
(several injuries later)
Sylus:”Ok ok we’re cool now?”
Sylus:”Is, he alright?”
author:”Since Karzahni was narrating everything, and now that he’s truly dead we can’t hear Dameta’s thoughts anymore.”
Sylus:”Oh, huh, that sucks.”
Sylus:”You…want me to have this?”
Sylus:”Hey Ekimu is He gonna be alright without this?”
Ekimu:”While we were getting the portal ready he gave it to me so that we could replicate it for you, he’s also made a copy of your mask himself.”
Sylus:”Huh how’d he get the blueprints for my mask?”
Ekimu:”I don’t know…and honestly I wouldn’t ask.”
Sylus:”Well, see you on the star-side! what an grand adventure this has been…”
Ekimu:”Hope to see you again someday Dameta!”
Ekimu:”Wherever they go, they will continue to do good for the multiverse, and beyond…”
<To Be Continued
(Many months later)
Ekimu:”Here we are again brother…the day of our big adventure.”
Ekimu:”The day when everything changed forever, though a lot of things changed that day good and bad, I just wish you were here with me.”
Ekimu:”But I guess in some way, you are, just not as I hoped it would be…”
Long ago the great spirit Mata Nui fell into a great slumber by the evil Makuta Teridax, who was jealous of the great spirit’s praises and desired to rule the universe plunging his brother into a deep slumber. In the darkest moments, Six matoran embarked on a journey to Voya Nui, a island infamous for it’s hostile environments and unfriendly fauna to retrieve the Mask of Life, a Legendary Kanohi mask that could awaken Mata Nui from his slumber.
Ekimu:”Such a terrible waste…I hope that all the unfortunate souls dragged into this mess find peace after this.”
…Along the way they encountered many a obstacle from the Mad Tyrant Karzahni, to the vicious Piraka. Their journey eventually took them to the deep sea region known as Mahri Nui to continue the quest for their universe, facing more opposition from The Warmongering Barraki lords and Teridax himself, ending in the team’s toa of ice Matoro taking the mask to the core of the Universe and sacrificing himself to bring Mata Nui out of his long slumber, saving the world as a result, but this sacrifice brought a terrible price…
Ekimu:”Was the Artakha I knew real, or was he never real to begin with? I’ll never know now…”
…The Great Spirit was awakened but something felt off, the air was stale, the sky was covered in smoke and a reddish fog enveloped the Colosseum where the revival of the Great spirit was being celebrated. and in the sky a ghastly grinning mask formed in the fog, not the mask of Makuta Teridax but of Karzahni! the dark tyrant who had made his way to the cortex of the Great spirit and had taken control of it. Teridax appeared and demanded Karzahni to fight him in a bid to claim what was rightfully his, the newly crowned God only vaporized him with a bolt of lightning destroying both his body and the essence inside. Karzahni then declared that He now controlled the universe and that He was now their God…
…The years following the coronation of Karzahni was a hellish bloodbath, Matoran were enslaved by the hundreds everyday and turned into deformed mindless slaves, Toa, Makuta, and anyone alike who resisted were captured and publicly executed on a daily basis, previously powerful beings like Trem Krom, The Shadowed One, and Makuta Misterix were banished to the far parts of space and elsewhere, millions were killed and billions more were enslaved when Karzahni had merged the continents together into one super-continent. Then one day Karzahni’s brother, Artakha confronted the Mad god to a duel…
Ekimu:”It was only a few months ago when I walked along this wall with Sylus, I wonder how he’s doing now?”
…The Architect and the Demon king fought for many weeks without pause, but God Emperor Karzahni clearly had the upper hand on his brother who could simply not endure the endless wave of nightmarish visions and crippling blows inflicted upon him…In a desperate bid to end his insane brother, he brought down the supports that had held up the core chamber of the universe causing the Great Spirit’s body to collapse into the ocean. Artakha perished in the explosion that rocked the entire world, but Karzahni, unharmed by the attempt could only laugh as his once mighty brother lied broken beneath his foot…
…But the days following the maker’s death only brought about something worse, an event that would be known only as, ‘The Butchering’. As hundreds of Toa from across the universe came to Artakha’s stronghold after receiving a message from the Architect that he had survived the duel with his brother and was gathering a resistance force to oust the Godborne king once and for all. every surviving toa from the Toa Hagah to the surviving members of the Order of Mata Nui came in hope that the world could be saved…
…it would not be so…
Ekimu:”What I said here about Sylus not being a real Toa…I never knew it was actually true, but he has heart and I believe he can be.”
When Artakha revealed himself to the massive gathering of hero’s he declared that the age of heroes and villains was over and that the era of gods and demons had begun. As soon as he decreed this the doors to the room all locked themselves as Artakha removed his mask and revealed the grotesque one belonging to Karzahni…What occurred next could only be described as a holocaust on a much more brutal level, not a single inch of the floor was uncovered with the mutilated limbs, masks, weapons and bodies of the unfortunate and terrified toa within the walls. Although, one toa still stood between Karzahni and the complete destruction of hope…
Takanuva, fabled toa of light was the only Toa that wasn’t present during the massacre, he had arrived late to the gathering and was not aware of the true nature of this ‘meeting’, Karzahni acted quickly, transforming back into Artakha and lay wounded outside of the front door. when Takanuva arrived he saw the Architect heavily wounded and rushed over to help, the Wounded creator told him that Karzahni had attacked the stronghold and had killed everyone but him leaving him for dead. After the toa of light asked what he could do to help Artakha told him that the only way for him to recover was to give him his elemental power of light and the Mask of Light. Takanuva willingly did so and in the process became powerless becoming Takua again. It was only then that the Architect stood up looking down at the weakened former toa and revealed himself to be Karzahni, in which afterwards with a single command he ordered Takua to walk into the ocean and swim as deep as he could until he could no no longer hold his breath. On that day Hope died…
…Centuries earlier before Karzahni rose to power, He was preparing to depart for Voya Nui when a eerie voice spoke to him through a discarded mask bearing barred eyes and unsettling features, it told him that it was a multi dimensional being that collected energy in order to grant wishes. Karzahni asked the voice if he could have a wish granted, the creature agreed on the condition that he give it a means to enter his world. When Karzahni wished to see his future his vision was obscured by images of him journeying to Mahri Nui, facing off against Makuta Teridax and being driven mad as a result, imprisioned and finally murdered by one of his own creations, left for dead on a foreign planet to be forgotten.
…so then he wished to change fate…
Ekimu:”What would our world be like if we had more toa like Dameta?”
…While the entity now calling itself The Prodigal of Salvation, could not give Karzahni the power he desired, it instead guided him to the core of the Great Spirit to attain such power…and with it The Forgotten Brother was erased from history and in his ashes a Godborne King rose. Karzahni’s next act was to launch what was left of the Great Spirit robot onto a planet called Bara Magna where in only a matter of days the entire planet was in ruin after Karzahni had tried to pull it’s two neighboring planets towards the surface of the center planet, millions more lost their lives in a unnecessary experiment.
Karzahni was a god…but for as long as the Prodigal watched over him He would never be truly god unless he found a way to become free of it entirely, knowing full well that it could easily destroy him with just a glance should it desire to do so. This left Karzahni in a nearly impossible position to act…until the day a strange figure stumbled into his throne room through a portal that opened up in the floor. at first the being fought the Mad Lord and even struck a blow on him, but eventually the ‘toa’ was cornered and would have been stuck down right on the spot, had not Karzahni spotted something unusual about him, this ‘toa’ was missing a arm just like one of the matoran he use to experiment on, that matoran was particularly gullible and easily exploitable, this was Karzahni’s way out of servitude to a higher power.
Ekimu:”What was the name of that brown fellow again?”
So Karzahni offered the ‘toa’ a wish, any that he could imagine, as He predicted, the being chose for a “grand adventure” in exchange Karzahni demanded that the toa who had introduced himself as Sylus to hand over the Kanohi Olisi that he used to get here, the mask of dimensional gates would serve him well as it would allow him to evade the Prodigal’s sight for just a moment. Before he used the mask to fufill his plan he had Sylus create a machine built in Karzahni’s likeness created to not only fool the Prodigal but to also siphon it’s power should the original plan fail
…for many years Karzahni posed as Artakha using the Olisi to pull many beings from other worlds one such being Makuta from the land of Okoto, a alternate dimension where the toa were not as powerful as the ones in Karzahni’s home world.
It was a strange day when Ekimu discovered that Makuta had gone missing inside of the realm of shadows and over time many of his minions started disappearing as well even the skull raiders started going missing as well, It seemed a blessing had come from the heavens itself, that is until villagers started to vanish as well, Ekimu’s life would change forever when he received a vision one night from a mighty being who wore a mask that could only be described as a true work of art, to come to his workshop across time and space to help him repel a siege from a dark brooding being that matched the description of Makuta.
As for Sylus, he continued to pull strings in the background such as when six toa from Ekimu’s world appeared they came very close to finding out the truth about the “grand adventure” and Artakha’s true identity. when they ventured to the Silent City above only three returned corrupted and twisted. this was Karzahni’s reign, Karzahni’s world, and now…
Ekimu:”…It is a world without Karzahni, without a god and soon this universe will cease to exist…”
Ekimu:”With the Workshop evacuated and all supplies from there transferred back to Okoto all that was left to do was to Seal off the Silent City and lock away Karzahni’s mask in a place where it will be forgotten, forever.”
Ekimu:”The Cryptus however could not be found anywhere, instead I found it outside of The fortress, it looked like something had forced it open and entered inside of it, come to think of it…I thought I saw something watching me in the shadows when I was exploring The Silent City, Dark…Pure evil…Eldritch for a better term, I would wish it upon no one not even my worst enemies...”
Ekimu:”Before I went home, I watched the sky of this broken and ruined world fall apart around me…I can confidently say we can say goodbye to this world, and greet the new one over the horizon, Hello to a whole new world.”
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