![BIONICLE CROSSROADS chapter 19 [it takes a hero...]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1626907022865-XTSTOZLMVTIJXLET9D4M/IMG_0096.jpg)
BIONICLE CROSSROADS chapter 19 [it takes a hero...]

(Makuta falls from a shadow high up and lands next to a sculpture of some kind, slash marks mar the side of the dilapidated statue and it smells faintly of oil, a trail of it is seen heading further into the jungle…)

Makuta 2:”For the master Architect, you don’t seem to keen on maintaining your work.”

(Artakha soon follows out of the shadows and lands with less grace next to the Former Lord of Shadows)

Artakha:”I’m sorry but last I checked, the world is being run by a murderous lunatic, so no I can’t exactly go outside to maintain my works.”

Artakha:”…And must we travel by shadow rifts? I can’t feel my hands, and just got them back.”

Artakha:”Perhaps we should-”
Makuta 2:”Wait, someone is nearby…”

Artakha:”Another of Karzahni’s ‘chosen’? how many must he pull before-”
(Before he can finish Makuta pulls him into the shadows inside the sculpture)

(The silence is pierced by loud footsteps from the foliage)

(Dameta steps out of the bushes into a opening with a strange crumbled statue)

(He passes by until he notices movement like something in the shadows just moved, then he notices the conspicuous trail of oil leading further into the jungle)

(“Strange, I thought I saw something move over there, and why are the walls covered in sword marks…and scratches?” Dameta examined the wall before pondering this discovery)

(“Looks like they were here alright, seems my target’s a swordsman, a sloppy one at that”)

(The oil trail however Dameta was unsure of, it looked like it had be there for a few days, undeterred, he continued down the pathway)

(Eventually, Dameta came upon a field full of spherical structures seemingly abandoned in front of a large open gate)

(nearby the two titans eyed the mysterious newcomer with unease)

Artakha:”Any idea who that is?”

Makuta 2 “No, I know that Karzahni pulled Me, Umarak, the orange buffoon, Tuyet and that ‘hero’ with the charred helmet.”

Makuta 2:”Whoever this is…”

Makuta 2:”I have no clue on, let us stay in the shadows and observe…”
(Dameta makes his way into the abandoned courtyard, nearby a derelict Rahkshi Kaita Za sat inactive, poisonous fumes still leaking from it’s two heads, one had been by the looks of it crudly welded back on…”

(sitting on top of the heap was another mask, its horned visage scowling back at Dameta as he stared at it ”What’s a mask like this doing here?” Dameta thought as the fumes from the body started to linger)

(“If someone keeps leaving these masks here for me thinking I’ll use them, Then sorry no, i’m not.”)

(The mask had clearly been placed there by someone but who? the Target he was tracking, or his companion?)

(Dameta had no time to ponder this as a shadow loomed behind him and the air suddenly got a bit warmer)

(The two warriors glared at each other wordlessly regarding each other and looking for weakness)

(the two opponents neither spoke words to one another, but both knew what the other intended; to kill one another until one was left standing)

(“Another mute warrior? good, I was getting tired of all the talk”)

(although furno did not have inner dialogue, he pointed his weapon in Dameta’s direction and swiped it in a cleaving fashion)

(After which he took his blade and split it in two)

(the crimson warriors charged one another, intent on ending the battle and the other’s life…)

(hours later)

(Artakha and Makuta pass through a shadow rift)
Artakha:”can we please stop doing that?
Makuta 2:”You wanted to get there as fast as possible, i’m not responsible for your sickness.”

(Just then, Dameta slides backwards on the ground, his armor has scorch marks and his gauntlets look like they are on the verge of exploding)
![(the crimson figure whirls around at the two, eyeing which one might be a threat) (“Takanuva?”) Artakha:”[No but close friend].” *[]psychic communication](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1626907062406-UOHXSFJ2P8ACHC1TTUC1/IMG_0140.jpg)
(the crimson figure whirls around at the two, eyeing which one might be a threat)
Artakha:”[No but close friend].”
*[]psychic communication
![(“What? you can understand me?”) Artakha:”[Yes i can hear you, but you need to focus right now.”] (Furno flies forward blades in hand, Dameta pulls his hammer just in time to…)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1626907062957-U8BHX7KKDGWL358YSJDN/IMG_0141.jpg)
(“What? you can understand me?”)
Artakha:”[Yes i can hear you, but you need to focus right now.”]
(Furno flies forward blades in hand, Dameta pulls his hammer just in time to…)

(…Have it shatter in his hands as the white hot blades slice the hammer’s head off its shaft)
(“Ah Dammit, I just got that fixed”)

(“No no no no, I can’t let this midget beat me! c’mon Dameta how can i beat this guy?”)

(Makuta’s massive maul swings right into Furno, blowing one of his arms off and sending him flying a short distance away)

Makuta 2:”Get up, your not done fighting yet.”

Makuta 2:”You want to keep using that pathetic piece of metal on a stick that’s your loss.”
(“Up yours too.”)

Makuta 2:”Use a REAL weapon instead.”
(“Ok, I take it back.”)
(Makuta tosses his warhammer to Dameta, who can barely lift it at first, but eventually hefts it over his shoulder)

(Makuta tosses his warhammer to Dameta, who can barely lift it at first, but eventually hefts it over his shoulder)
![(“bigger hammer, of course we use the bigger hammer, I wonder if I could keep this…”) Artakha:”[No…]” (“Aw”)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1626907067654-5WWRZPXV7P3V4KT0ZEM1/IMG_0149.jpg)
(“bigger hammer, of course we use the bigger hammer, I wonder if I could keep this…”)

(Dameta silently watches Furno’s crushed body to see if he’s still alive)

(Furno barley functional stirs, his legs no longer working as he struggles to move)

(The crushed hero flops on his back his chassis is cracked down the middle and is leaking oil on the floor)

(oddly enough, A static starts to come from Furno’s helmet)


(Dameta leans in forward to listen)

(even though Dameta doesn’t fully understand what the hero is saying, he understands what he must do)

(Dameta lays a hand on Furno’s cracked core and activates his mask power sending a small surge of energy through the quaza engine)
Furno@#$#$%$@#!#!~I~!!@#@$#%^&(&^%$#@! ~dont want to be@#@$@## `~a monster anymore@#$$4@”

(Dameta steps back and watches as the core starts to glow brighter)

(Furno’s body glows bright red as the energy from his core begins to overheat)

(As the core overheats, the corruption inside burns away, turning the core pure before it shatters in a flash of light)

(Furno’s smoldering body slowly cools down, his limbs become limp and before the lights in his eyes fade he looks to Dameta, thankful before leaving one final message)
![Artakha:”[I’m sorry we couldn’t save him.”] (“It’s fine I did what I had to.”)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1626907016019-EKLLBXHYRXTUP7L72FTP/IMG_0171.jpg)
Artakha:”[I’m sorry we couldn’t save him.”]
(“It’s fine I did what I had to.”)
![Artakha:”[You did the right thing, even if it resulted in his death, and that is what matters.]”](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1626907017478-S0FR36KY9D0HHG0UCQ8R/IMG_0173.jpg)
Artakha:”[You did the right thing, even if it resulted in his death, and that is what matters.]”

Artakha:”That even when we’re all long gone from this world…”

…That people will remember you for who you were, and not what you’ve done, remember this for when the day comes; ‘Die a hero or live as a monster, none of it matters only the choices you make to get there.’”

<to be continued…………………………..
![BIONICLE CROSSROADS chapter 20 [Log 2.4 entry 5]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1627508941979-A215NYSNBHGT2CT3WZLK/IMG_0180.jpg)
BIONICLE CROSSROADS chapter 20 [Log 2.4 entry 5]

???:”Arrrgg, c’mon He almost had him too.”

Avak:”Log entry 5, my name is Avak, and I hate my job.”

Avak:”I never asked to work for the former ruler of a forsaken island, but stranger things have happened before.”

Avak:”Though I still can’t believe I left my old gang to work here.”

(Avak walks through the lab, various creatures of all sizes are hard at work on the various projects the Brown Skakdi has planned)

Avak:”Hey, careful with that those components are fragile.”

Avak:”Ever since I came here there’s been nothing but work work work, (not that i’m complaining of course) the task force that Karzahni assigned to me is meager, but they get the work done.”

Avak:”Hey Conjurer, you doing alright buddy?”

???:”Kill meeeeee…

Avak:”(Sigh) I’d love to but your almost ready so you just gotta stay put ok?”

Avak:”Not that you can go anywhere anyways, talk to you later.”
???:”Nooooooooooo don’t…leave…meeeee…

Avak:”Poor Conjurer, he made a wish to Karzahni for real magic powers, and it ended up costing him when he tried to use those powers to overthrow him.”

Avak:”those hammer parts better be ready when when im done with this meeting ok?”
(The Bohrok turns and nods, carrying off a large weapon component in hand)

Avak:”Could have been worse than having your legs torn off, piece by piece…”

Avak:”If I had known that making wishes to that psycho made you unable to harm him I would’ve just turned around and left it alone.”

(Avak blows the head off a storm beast after it had dropped a delicate staff on the ground)
Avak:”Maybe wishing you had your own workshop could have been worded a little better on my part.”

Avak:”He didn’t tell me that he wanted me to make rahi, I build weapons, vehicles and armor not stinking animals.”

Avak:”At least, no ones trying to stab me in the back.”
(A light flashes on the vahki, it turns to attention in front of Avak)

(the vahki unfolds into a bipedal stance)

(the robot stands at the ready, then a voice speaks through the machine)
Karzahni:”Is this thing on? how do I know if I- wait there’s the green light (Ahem)”

Karzahni:”Avak, hows the work down there? is my new weapon ready yet like I asked?”

Avak:”Of course boss, just give me a couple of hours and it should be ready.”

Karzahni:”I don’t have hours, get it done, or else.”

Karzahni:”Oh and by the way a couple of “intruders” at the front gates, get over there over and out…how do you turn this thing off? ummm, hmmm how about this butto-”

(the vahki suddenly collapses into heap, the self destruct had apparently been triggered from somewhere else)

Avak:”Another mess to clean up, I don’t have time for this.”

Avak:”You two, clean this up gotta see what the boss wants.”

Avak:”You ever get that feeling that your so sure about something then you regret it later? that’s me, every day.”

Avak:”If only I could take my wish back or something, I don’t know I just wish I had never made it in the first place, wishing that you never made a wish, ironic huh?”

Avak:”Get the weapon ready, Karzahni wants it ready soon.”

Avak:”And while your at it get Conjurer ready for the operating table I’ve got a good feeling about this time.”

Avak:”But even if I could “un-wish” it what chance would I stand against someone like him?”
![Avak:”But I suppose we just gotta live with our mistakes sometimes right? anyways Avak out.” [RECORDING END]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1627509373811-86FNFZDYQFEPMFBW6VUA/IMG_0221.jpg)
Avak:”But I suppose we just gotta live with our mistakes sometimes right? anyways Avak out.” [RECORDING END]

(Avak and two vahki guards step off the monorail to the front gate)

Avak:”now if the security defense is working as intended the Gate Guardian i posted outside should be…”

Avak:”There! not I just have to-”

(Sylus flies over the heads of the bewildered ex-piraka and outdated vahki, and crashes in a heap behind them)

Avak:”Looks like this poor sap didn’t make it either, ah well take him away, I have no need for toa anyways.”

(A roar reverberates from behind the door as a miniscule figure emerges from the gate’s semi translucent surface)

(the Gate Guardian eyes the prone body as it slowly makes its approach)

(the creature takes a step forward, off to the side a vahki is crushed by a unknown force)
Avak:”Woah…hey hold on.”

(another invisible foot crushes the other vahki its presence felt Avak backs away slowly, then makes a break for the trolley)

Avak:”Good luck toa…whatever you call yourself, not that you’ll have any!!”

Sylus:”What do you mean luck? I got plenty of that where th-”

Sylus:”Wait…he’s not talking about…oh no.”

<to be cont-
![BIONICLE CROSSROADS chapter 19 [it takes a hero...]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1626907022865-XTSTOZLMVTIJXLET9D4M/IMG_0096.jpg)

![(the crimson figure whirls around at the two, eyeing which one might be a threat) (“Takanuva?”) Artakha:”[No but close friend].” *[]psychic communication](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1626907062406-UOHXSFJ2P8ACHC1TTUC1/IMG_0140.jpg)
![(“What? you can understand me?”) Artakha:”[Yes i can hear you, but you need to focus right now.”] (Furno flies forward blades in hand, Dameta pulls his hammer just in time to…)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1626907062957-U8BHX7KKDGWL358YSJDN/IMG_0141.jpg)

![(“bigger hammer, of course we use the bigger hammer, I wonder if I could keep this…”) Artakha:”[No…]” (“Aw”)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1626907067654-5WWRZPXV7P3V4KT0ZEM1/IMG_0149.jpg)

![Artakha:”[I’m sorry we couldn’t save him.”] (“It’s fine I did what I had to.”)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1626907016019-EKLLBXHYRXTUP7L72FTP/IMG_0171.jpg)
![Artakha:”[You did the right thing, even if it resulted in his death, and that is what matters.]”](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1626907017478-S0FR36KY9D0HHG0UCQ8R/IMG_0173.jpg)

![BIONICLE CROSSROADS chapter 20 [Log 2.4 entry 5]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1627508941979-A215NYSNBHGT2CT3WZLK/IMG_0180.jpg)

![Avak:”But I suppose we just gotta live with our mistakes sometimes right? anyways Avak out.” [RECORDING END]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56b21a8259827e0ec1428ac5/1627509373811-86FNFZDYQFEPMFBW6VUA/IMG_0221.jpg)