
Species: Fe-Toa, 3 Expertise Tokens, Size: Medium Walk: 15ft/AP, Swim: 5ft/AP, Fly: N/A Inventory Capacity: Natural IS 12, Quick Draw IS 5 Health Progression: Floor: 30+CON, Rate of Increase: 3d4+CON, Min Roll: 6+CON, Natural Cap: 90+CON, Rest Recovery: 8d4 Armor Frame: Base AC: 8, Component Slots: 7, Humanoid Save Proficiencies: FOR: Yes, RFLX: Yes, WILL: 1EX

Attribute Score Bonuses: Attribute Score Bonuses: Your Species Attribute Score Bonuses are based on your Elemental Tribe (see the Elemental Index). Each Tribe has three associated Attribute Scores; at Character Creation, add +2 to one, and +1 to the other two. STR, CON, INT

Default Armor: Normal Toa will have a starting AC of 12 (4 installations of the Extra Armor Component). Toa may also start play with either one Great Kanohi or two Noble Kanohi.

Starting Gear: Toa begin play with 2 Weapons using the Equipment Index at a +1 Quality Tier appropriate for their starting Level, and 1 Off-The-Rack Weapon up to Two-Handed. At Level 1, you are Proficient with all Components that make up your chosen Weapons.

Kanohi: Kanohi Vokami, Mask of Static Charge Generative Augment Mask (Pseudo-Elemental of Lightning) Rarity: Bulk Rare Kanoka Combination: Charge Always Active: No AP Cost: Varies (1AP, Reaction) In-Combat Charge Duration (ICCD): 1KC = 3 Rounds, 4 Slots Out-of-Combat Charge Duration (OCCD): N/NN: 5 Minutes/Slots, G/GN: 15 Minutes, 7 Slots

The Kanohi Vokami allows its wearer to generate electrical energy harmlessly within their own body, and channel it outwards into any Attack, Power, or Item they can make use of. This Kanohi also grants its wearer a slight resistance to electrical damage, as well as a degree of electroreception for Great Variants.


Language: Toa begin play with the ability to read, write, and speak Modern Matoric, as well as one other Major Matoran Dialect of their choice.

Hero to the People: Toa receive a +2 to Diplomacy Checks against Matoran.

Mental Link: Toa can set up a mental link with a number of beings equal to their Proficiency. This link functions the same way as a Great Kanohi Oroha.

Keeper of the Code: Toa, being traditionally powerful warriors with a sense of restraint, have in their Toa Code the stipulation that they should not kill when they can avoid it. To which degree they follow this varies between individual Toa and the circumstances they find themselves in, but the tenet is near-universal - even among Toa without much contact with the wider warrior culture that fosters the value of mercy. When a Toa would deal Lethal Damage to a target, they may instead choose to deal Nonlethal Damage instead and leave their target Unconscious. This ability can only be activated when Damage would bring a target below 0 HP, with all other Attacks dealing Damage as normal. Toa can use this ability without any limitations beyond that.


Kanohi Wielder: You can wear and use Great and Noble Kanohi, and have a Proficiency in Use Kanohi. You must wear a

Kanohi. If you don’t wear a Kanohi, you are Unmasked until you don a Kanohi.

Elemental Power: See “Elemental Power” in Common Boons. You have EX1 in Use Elements and have XEE, where X is equal to (your Use Elements Bonus * 3).

Nova Blast: A Nova Blast is the greatest pinnacle of Elemental prowess a Toa can leverage upon the battlefield. This Ability is incredibly powerful - easily capable of devastating an entire island - and should not be used lightly. Ultimately, GMs may rule more leniently or more strictly on the effects, benefits, or penalties compared to what is presented here, as is appropriate to their stories. While a Nova Blast is a uniform Ability all Toa have access to, they are primarily a narrative tool and GMs should treat them as such. However, the following rules are a mechanical framework for those who want a consistent experience.

As an XAP Action, a Toa may spend all of their EE to unleash a Nova Blast across an X-mile radius, where X is equal to 30+(4*current EE). Targets caught within the radius must make a REFL Save (DCX, where X is equal to 3*EE spent); on a failure, they are killed (or in the case of Items, Broken) instantly. As an optional rule, should the Toa want to make a Damage Roll, they may roll (20d20)d20 Damage (as an example, Toa Amhuimat rolls 218 on his first 20d20 Roll. He then rolls 218d20 Damage, leaving his Nova Blast with an average of 2,180 Damage per target in the blast zone). In either case, the Toa who activates the Nova Blast is Immune to the effect of their own Nova Blast.

When a Toa begins to charge a Nova Blast, they must Focus until the Nova Blast is unleashed. If they lose Focus, the Toa must make a WILL Save (DC8+X, where X is equal to 1 per EE already spent); on a failure, the Nova Blast is unleashed prematurely, destroying everything in a 30+(4*EE spent) radius; on a success, the Nova Blast is contained.

If a Toa begins charging a Nova Blast in a Local Environment that matches the Toa’s, the AP required to unleash the Nova Blast is reduced by X, where X is equal to 4 per level of Affinity. Likewise, if the Local Environment has an Elemental Affinity opposite to the Toa’s (i.e. Ta-Toa in an Ocean, Ko-Toa in the Great Furnace), then the AP required is increased by X.

Toa Power: Toa Power is a difficult metric to quantify, due to the sheer scarcity of examples and the inherent mysticism involved in the few examples we do have of its use. However, all the same we have a set of rules that can be used in harder, resource-based gameplay in place of “make a wish, negotiate with your GM when spending Toa Power”. That being said, even with this math, it is recommended that GMs look beyond the scope of the listed actions here as their stories and the Destinies of player characters permit.

Toa Power and Elemental Energy are linked in some way, and when a Toa has expended Toa Power, their Elementalabilities are diminished. Every usage of Toa Power permanently reduces their primary (i.e. not Secondary Elements granted by Templates) EE Pool by 5EE, to a minimum of 10. Generally speaking, Toa can use Toa Power up to 12 times, though some actions may require more Toa Power than others. Some recommended actions for using Toa Power are as follows:

● Exerting the will of the Toa upon particularly complex mechanisms (for example, the Turaga Metru using the last of their power to safely deactivate the Matoran Spheres to awaken the population of the island of Mata Nui). This should scale with the number and complexity of mechanisms being acted upon.

● Healing a being of all forms of Damage short of death (for example, the Toa Metru healing Graalok the Ash Bear).

● Creating Toa Stones. This is primarily a form of GM fiat, even more so than other uses of Toa Power. The recommended Ratio for literal Toa Stones should be roughly 1:3 or 1:6, but for the purposes of plot convenience can be as much as 1:12 or even 1:14 if a single Toa must seed a new team with one representative of each Element. For more complex objects being made into Toa Stones, the cost may vary (a large telescope being infused to transform a destined Matoran who looks through it, for example, might require 1 point of Toa Power all on its own).

Transformation (Turaga): Upon the fulfillment of their Destiny, or after expending their Toa Power in its entirety (regardless of whether this is done in increments over time or all at once in a selfless act), a Toa may undergo their transformation into a Turaga. When a Toa transforms, the Kanohi Mask they’re wearing becomes a Noble version of itself, and one Toa Tool or similar Item that they have on their person becomes their Badge of Office (built in the Equipment Index at the appropriate Quality tier for their Level, taking the Badge of Office Component for free - see the Starting Gear subsection in the Turaga entry in the Species Index). Your HP value is recalculated using a Turaga’s Rate of Increase, at your current Level. Choose one of your Associated Attribute Scores to reduce by 2. Alternatively, you may decrease your primary Associated Attribute Score by 1, and increase another Associated Attribute Score by 1. Any resources (such as Expertise Tokens) that were invested into any avenues that are now inaccessible can be redistributed into any available Skill or other applicable route. Their Armor Frame also changes significantly (as listed in the Turaga section), potentially requiring them to alter their existing Armor Frame to compensate, and they become a Small-Sized being. Similarly to the Transformation from Matoran to Toa, Game Masters can make changes to a newly-formed Turaga’s Equipment or Kanohi to better serve their role as a leader and sage.


Species: Barramoi, 4 Expertise Tokens, Size: Large Walk: 20ft/AP, Swim: 5ft/AP, Climb: 5ft/AP Fly: N/A Inventory Capacity: Natural IS 14, Quick Draw IS 16 Health Progression: Floor: 60+CON, Rate of Increase: 4d6+CON, Min Roll: 11+CON, Natural Cap: 120+CON, Rest Recovery: 8d8 Armor Frame: Base AC: 15, Component Slots: 6+4 (Tier 4), Humanoid Save Proficiencies: FORT: Ex1, RFLX: Ex2, WILL: Yes

Kanohi: Kanohi Pharyax, Mask of Density Control

Rarity: Uncommon Kanoka Combination: Encase, Enlarge, Shrink Always Active: No AP Cost: 1AP In-Combat Charge Duration (ICCD): 1KC = 3 Rounds, 4 Slots (FO) Out-of-Combat Charge Duration (OCCD): N/NN: 5 Minutes/Slots, G/GN: 15 Minutes, 7 Slots

The Kanohi Pharyax allows its wearer to control the density of their body and any objects in physical contact with them, either increasing it to the point where they become nearly invulnerable yet also immobile, or decreasing it so that they become more nimble or even intangible. While highly versatile, the Pharyax’s effects do not last as long nor are they as effective as other Kanohi possessing similar powers.

Attribute Score Bonuses: At Character Creation, Barramoi may add +3 to a Physical Attribute Score, and +2 to any two Attribute Scores.

Size: Barramoi are a Large Species, with a natural Reach of 10ft, a -4 penalty to Stealth, and a +1 Bonus to Attack Rolls.

Default Armor: Normal Barramoi will have a starting AC of 18 (3 installations of the Extra Armor Component). Additionally, you may have a Helmet. Your Armor Frame may not be made below Tier 4, regardless of starting Level.

Starting Gear: Barramoi begin play with 2 Weapons built in the Equipment Index and four Off-The-Rack Weapons. None of these Weapons may be made below Tier 4, regardless of starting Level. At Level 1, you are Proficient with all Components that make up your chosen Weapons.

Custom Weapons: Storm’s Wrath (aka BIG HONKIN’ HALBERD): Melee, Two-Handed, Tier 4, 4 Item Charges DEX, 2d8+1 Slashing, Piercing, Electric -1 Slot, Plasma -3 15ft, 18 Slots, “Small(?)” Size: Large -3 Slots Component(s): +1 DEX Save DC, Slow +1 Slot, Long Handle -2, Reactive Parry -3 Slots, Reach -1, Multi-Strike Face -1, High Voltage -2, Discharge -3 Additional Features:

  • This Weapon cannot be used to make Attacks of Opportunity.

  • Add your PROF to Damage Rolls made with this Weapon while wielding it with two hands.

  • Once per Round, the first Parry you perform as a Reaction with this Weapon costs 0AP.

  • Select a Physical Damage Type. When you make an Attack with this Weapon, you may decide which Damage Type your Weapon deals between the original Damage Type(s) or the one chosen by this Component. May be installed up to 3 times.

  • When you deal Electric Damage with this Weapon, you may spend 1IC to target an opponent’s TAC rather than their AC the next time you attempt to hit them with this Weapon.

  • When you deal Electric Damage with this Weapon, you may spend 2IC to deal an equivalent amount of Damage to a target within 10ft of the original.


OtR Weapons: Quick Blaster: Cyclic-Fire Ranged, One-Handed, Tier 1, DEX, 2d6+1 Projectile 180ft, 0 Slots Component(s): Rapid Fire Additional Features: Attacks made with this Weapon deal half Damage, but you can perform 2 additional Attacks per Fire Action. Point Missile: Single-Fire Ranged, Two-Handed, Tier 2, INT, 2d8+2 Kanoka 90ft, 4 Slots Component(s): Extra Die, Tracking Additional Features: This Weapon has a +1 Bonus to its Critical Range. You can load up to 2 Magazines of the same Load Type into this Weapon, though each must be loaded as a separate Action. When your target emits a quantifiable level of ultraviolet radiation, you have ADV1 on Attack Rolls against them.

Subspecies and Clans: There are no notable subspecies or clan divisions within the Vokaru Species; however, each Vokaru is aligned with a varying emotion, which may somewhat dictate what professions they take up.


Language: Barramoi begin play with the ability to read, write, and speak Standard and Ancient Matoric.

Heightened Senses: Barramoi have Proficiency and EX2 in Perception, but are Vulnerable to Sonic Damage..

Teachers and Trainers: Barramoi are capable of teaching both Rahi and Oropi with equal Skill. You gain Proficiency in one Knowledge Skill of your choice, and Rahi Handling.


Kanohi Capable: You can wear and use Noble Kanohi. If you have a Proficiency in the Use Kanohi Skill, you can wear and use Great Kanohi.

Drawing From The Well of Blood: As a Barramoi, you have implicit access and know the necessary combat steps to unlock the various caches of Dazivoya information around the universe. You gain a token of favor to the Dazivoya-adherent network for every meaningful contribution you make to the knowledge base of a Dazivoya cache, which is redeemable to any other Barramoi or adherent to the Path of Organizing Violence (fucking really?). By the same agreement, anyone can request a favor of you in good faith using similar tokens. Once a favor is rendered, the token is destroyed or returned to the cache it originated from. It is considered a massive breach of etiquette to refuse the redemption of these tokens, and can result in loss of access to the Dazivoya cache network and a cultural shunning by other Barramoi.

Combat-Ready: You have 6AP instead of the usual 4AP. Additionally, whenever you earn an Attribute Score Increase, you can instead sacrifice it to gain an additional +1AP. You may also select one of the rule variants below.

● Combat Band: If you have a background as a member of an Anazai, you may share any amount of your AP with anyone in your Combat Team (even AP temporarily gained through other sources). A Combat Team consists of X other individuals, where X is equal to (your PROF + CHA), which can be selected over a two-hour bonding exercise of ritual fighting. Your CMAC is considered (AC + (PROF*2) + Combat Talent Training Bonus) and your CMB is (PROF + STR + DEX + the number of individuals in your Combat Team).

● Combat Soloist: If you have a background as an individual Barramoi instead of as a member of an Anazai, you may perform any Defensive Action at -1 AP (to a minimum of 1), treat your CMAC as (AC + PROF + Combat Talent Training Bonus)*2, and treat your CMB as (PROF + STR + DEX + WIS)*2.