Jaran Vaul

Reading Ambience 1 Reading Ambience 2 Species: Human (Mandalorian) Useful Words and Phrases:

  • Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad. Phrase [Nee-keer-TAIL guy-sah-ADD] - “adoption vow (lit. I know your name as my child)”

  • Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum. Phrase [Nee soo-COO-yee, gar kee-RAH-deesh, nee par-TIE-lee, gar dah-rah-SOOM] - Daily remembrance of those passed on *I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal.* Followed by repetition of loved ones' names.

  • Traat'aliit gar besbe'trayc. [Traht-ah-LEET bes-beh-TRAYSH] Phrase - English: The squad is your weapon

  • vaar'ika [vahr-EE-kah] Noun - English: pip-squeak, runt

  • Verd ori'shya beskar'gam [veyrd o-ree-shee-yah BEHS-kahr-gahm] Phrase English: A warrior is bigger than the armor (mandalorian proverb)

  • Aliit ori'shya tal'din. [Ah-LEET or-EESH-yah tal-DEEN] Phrase - English: Family is more than blood.

  • bes'bev [BEHZ-behv] Noun - English: Mandalorian wind instrument also used for combat: a large metal flute with a sharpened, cut-off end.

  • skira [SKEE-rah] Noun English: settling scores, revenge, feud (different to vengeance - more personal)

Like many before him, Jaran was not born on the path of the Mando'ade, but was thrust upon it due to circumstance. Jaran’s earliest memory was of his